coaching for dog owners

Helping humans be their best for their dogs

Dog Training Hacks: Dog Name Games

photo credit: Cato on the driveway via photopin (license) This tip comes from a visit I had the other day with a friend of mine and the dog was hanging out with us.  The topic of dog names is not uncommon or often overlooked.  What is overlooked is how to make best...

5 Things to Remember for A Dog Friendly Holiday

photo credit: Teddy Claus via photopin (license) After driving 20 hours from my current residence in Florida to visit the folks in my hometown in upstate NY, I must admit I was a bit disappointed to learn that Santa will be sporting his bathing suit on Christmas Eve...


  If you follow me on Facebook you’ve seen me barking a lot  at people to get out and spend time with their dogs.  Sorry to disappoint you, but I won’t be letting up anytime soon.  One of the biggest causes of behavior issues with dogs is that their owners simply...

Book Review : Trident K9 Warriors

As I make a return to the keyboard, a million things have rushed through my mind on what to share, what to say, what to complain about, what to yell at you for not doing with your dog…etc etc….While in the midst of ADD paralysis last night brainstorming I...

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