coaching for dog owners

Helping humans be their best for their dogs


photo credit: OakleyOriginals via photopin cc   Ok, so maybe this is part rant, part advice, or perhaps it’s 100% rant, and I just want to pass it off as advice…either way… it is….. If you or somebody you know buys a puppy for somebody else, for a holiday...

Why the “STAY” Command Is A Waste of Time

photo credit: Photography King ♛ via photopin cc   I have gotten into some pretty heated debates on this subject with trainers who I honestly have a ton of respect for.  The conversations only get heated when the other person can no longer provide logical...

Just say no….to DOGPARKS!!!

I’m going to do it….Yup…and here it goes……..  I’m going to tell the world that I think their favorite place to bring their dog, is the single worst place to bring their dog.  Obviously winning fans through telling people what they want to hear...


So it’s Friday.  All day long.  What a beautiful thought.  Not because it is going to be an easy day by any stretch of the imagination, but because I have been conditioned to think of Fridays in a pleasant way. It’s not a difficult concept is it? To...

Crash course in dog food trickery……..

What our dogs eat is a HUGE topic that is often the source of not just knowledge for newbies, but also debate amongst enthusiasts and experts alike.  Im not going to get into the heavy of canine nutrition now, but I am going to take a quick moment to hip you to some...

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