coaching for dog owners

Helping humans be their best for their dogs

What you can learn from a dead beagle…

photo credit: Thomas Hawk via photopin cc      While reading through some blogs today I came across a story about a group of beagles that had been rescued from a research facility and recently reunited.  A rather heartwarming story, it got me thinking (which is always...

A bit about bones……5 NEED TO KNOW TIPS

   For starters, I hope everybody had a marvelous Thanksgiving.  My taste buds were overloaded with the wonders of home cooking and my belly is now preparing for the war waged every holiday season against the waistline of my pants.   This year is already off to a...

Puppies don’t care about presidents……..

It’s been a stressful week for our 4-legged companions.  As I am always teaching my students, energy is a key element in communicating with our dogs.  To dogs, your mood and “vibe” is broadcast like a neon sign letting them know where your head is at.  Based on my...

Why you should be playing with poop…….

I can only imagine how it must have looked. There I was, hovering intently, my full concentration directed at the steaming pile of excrement that was so strategically placed in a specific location for reasons that only he was aware of.  I know it was strategic because...

whats in a dog’s name…..

    How many times have you heard somebody yelling at their dog? Probably a lot.  When you think about those examples, do you recall hearing the person saying their dog’s name first? Pay attention next time you are around dog owners, either at a friend’s...

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